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"construction in Dublin Docklands" by Salim Virji (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Writing Yet Another Custom Image Builder

UPDATE February 2022: The kim project is not currently active

If you’re using Rancher Desktop, don’t fret!

We’ve got updated guidance available: Switch from Docker Desktop to Rancher Desktop in 5 Minutes.

If you are still using kim, we’ve also got you covered: there is a kim Tilt extension. Please note, however, that this extension is now deprecated and is unlikely to receive further updates.

If you’re interested in how Tilt extensions for non-Docker container builders work, read on!

At Tilt, we see a lot of different ways to build images for containers beyond docker build. These alternatives are often very attractive:

  • Language-specific builders like ko can leverage native tooling for lightning-fast builds
  • Cluster-integrated builders like BuildKit CLI for kubectl can help with multi-architecture images

Not only do we want to make sure that we support using alternative image builders, we strive to make them feel just as native as using the built-in docker_build!

In this post, we’ll look at building a wrapper for a new, experimental image builder: kim.

kim, or the Kubernetes Image Manager, uses a BuildKit daemon bound to the containerd socket on a Kubernetes node. If your eyes glazed over during that sentence: images are built directly within the Kubernetes cluster using the same underlying technology (BuildKit) as Docker. This eliminates the need for a local registry and can save time & disk space by avoiding an image push.

To use it with Tilt, we’ll write a small kim_build function, which will use custom_build under the hood (instead of docker_build).

Without further ado, let’s write our kim_build function:

def kim_build(ref, context, deps=None, **kwargs):
        command='kim build -t $EXPECTED_REF ' + shlex.quote(context),
        command_bat='kim build -t %%EXPECTED_REF%% ' + shlex.quote(context),
        deps=deps or [context],

Now, we can replace our docker_build calls with kim_build calls:

# docker_build(
#     'my-static-site',
#     '.',
#     only=['web/'],
#     live_update=[
#         sync('web/', '/usr/share/nginx/html/')
#     ])
# ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    deps=['web/', 'Dockerfile'],
        sync('web/', '/usr/share/nginx/html/')

And that’s it!

When we tilt up, we’ll see:

STEP 1/3 — Building Custom Build: [my-static-site]
    Custom Build: Injecting Environment Variables
    Running custom build cmd "kim build -t $EXPECTED_REF ."


STEP 2/3 — Pushing my-static-site:tilt-build-1630528500
     Skipping push: custom_build() configured to handle push itself

STEP 3/3 — Deploying
     Injecting images into Kubernetes YAML
     Applying via kubectl:
     → my-static-site:deployment


What just happened?

  1. Tilt invoked our custom_build command to run kim
  2. No registry push was performed because kim builds directly on the cluster node and we passed disable_push=True and skips_local_docker=True
  3. Deployment was applied to our cluster!

You might have noticed that we also passed Live Update steps, yet didn’t add any custom logic within kim_build to handle it. Because custom_build supports Live Update regardless of how you build your images, we passed through the live_update and any other non-kim specific arguments via **kwargs.

And of course, you still get all the other Tilt goodies like triggering rebuild on changes and immutable tags.

A full kim_build implementation might take more arguments, e.g. custom path to Dockerfile, build args, and more. (There is a kim_build extension available.)

We’re always excited to see new tools in the local Kubernetes and image-building spaces, and it’s important that Tilt can work with them out-of-the-box. So go ahead, try out a crazy new image builder today - Tilt can handle it! 💪


Already have a Dockerfile and a Kubernetes config?

You’ll be able to setup Tilt in no time and start getting things done. Check out the docs! 

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